2,779 ETH Worth $4M Was Just Burned

On Monday a total of 2,779.83 Ether (CRYPTO: ETH) worth $4,356,080, based on the current value of Ethereum at time of publication ($1,567.03), was burned from Ethereum transactions.

Come acquistare Ethereum (ETH)

Bitcoin è la principale criptovaluta in base al valore delle monete in circolazione, Ethereum non batte di certo la fiacca. Con una capitalizzazione di mercato di oltre 130 miliardi di euro a fine …

Ethereum (ETH) Price Up 7.69% Overnight

Ethereum (ETH) is £1,232 ($1,474), according to CoinMarketCap. That’s up 7.69% on yesterday’s figure of £1,138 ($1,353), and up 47.08% on one month ago. The 24-hour trading volume is around £17.1 …